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Q. How many instruments do you play?
A. In the past I’ve played as many as 30 instruments in my show. However due to time constraints I now limit that to about 10 to 12 instruments

Q. What was the first instrument you played?
A. The piano.  I was about eight years old.  We had an upright piano.  I took lessons for about six months and was "threatened"...actually "invited"...to take part in a recital.  Performing in front of people frightened me.  I never took part in that recital and after awhile, since I wasn't too interested in practicing, my parents decided to get rid of the piano.  A few years later, I saw a movie on television, I think it was the George Gershwin story.  I was inspired and I remember thinking, if I would have kept taking paino lessons, I would have probably been a pretty good piano player by now.  So I wanted to take lessons again.  Since the piano we had was now gone, and mom and dad weren't about to get another one, my mother suggested the clarinet because her dad played the clarinet too.  So my next instrument was the clarinet and I still play the clarinet today.

Q. Is your show suitable for young children?
A. Yes!  My show is clean-cut, family oriented.  To my surprise, young kids really like it.  I think it's because I keep the show very lively, fast-paced and also because of all of the different instruments.  They seem to be intrigued by them.  They always have a lot of questions.

Q. How long is your show?
A. Approximately 75 minutes long if there is no intermission, or 90 minutes long when an intermission is included.

Q. Where do you get your energy?
A. Faith and attitude.  I believe we all have a purpose in life. We all have a special talent whether it's cooking, working with numbers, working on cars, styling hair, or being a parent.  The trick is to figure out just what that special talent is and use it to our best ability with the intention of honoring God and serving mankind.  That's what I do and that's where I believe my energy comes from.  Life is not about getting.  Everything is temporary anyway.  I believe life is more about giving and sharing.  I apply that attitude and have a strong faith.

Q. What were some of your most memorable moments?
A. One in particular comes to mind. It was after a promotional show for a senior center in Des Plaines, IL in August 2000. A lady came up to me after my show, her name was Emily, and she said (not an exact quote) "I'm a cancer patient. I fatigue easily. But I just had to come up and tell you I enjoyed your program, and for a few minutes, I forgot I was sick." When folks ask me where I get my energy... that story should answer that question. Knowing that my music, the silly jokes, the handshakes, hugs and smiles, and the energy I put into my show brings happines into people's lives, gives me the high level of energy that everyone asks me about. And it's the audience, and moments like the aforementioned story that refuel me every time.

                  If you have a question you would like to ask Patty,
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